The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness, to...

Quote by Benjamin Franklin about enemies, tolerance, conduct, absolution, charity, example, proudness, children, mother, respect

The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness, to an opponent, tolerance, to a friend, your heart, to your child, a good example, to a father, deference, to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you, to yourself, respect, to all men, charity.

Benjamin Franklin
Quote by Benjamin Franklin about enemies, tolerance, conduct, absolution, charity, example, proudness, children, mother, respect.
Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin 1706 - 1790, author, political theorist and diplomat

Also called: Ben Franklin.
Was born on: 17 jan 1706.
Died on 17 apr 1790, at 84 years old.
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