It's life isn't it? You plow ahead and make a hit. And...

Quote by Katharine Hepburn about time, life

It's life isn't it? You plow ahead and make a hit. And... - Katharine Hepburn, quote about time, life

It's life isn't it? You plow ahead and make a hit. And you plow on and someone passes you. Then someone passes them. Time levels.

Katharine Hepburn
Quote by Katharine Hepburn about time, life.
Katharine Hepburn

Katharine Hepburn 1907 - 2003, american actress

Also called: Katharine Houghton Hepburn.
Was born on: 12 may 1907.
Died on 29 jun 2003, at 96 years old.
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