Go now, verses, on your light feet, you have not trodden...

Quote by Hugo Claus about poetry, earth, light, old, olderness

Go now, verses, on your light feet, you have not trodden hard on the old earth where the graves laugh when they see their guests, the one corpse stacked on top of the other. Go now and stagger to her whom I do not know.

Hugo ClausDorothea van Male
Quote by Hugo Claus (Dorothea van Male) about poetry, earth, light, old, olderness.
Hugo Claus (Dorothea van Male)

Hugo Claus (Dorothea van Male) 1929 - 2008, novelist, poet, playwright, painter and film director

Also known as: Dorothea van Male.
Was born on: 05 apr 1929.
Died on 19 mar 2008, at 78 years old.
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