Man's life is Knowledge and that's all. If the Man didn't knew Life, he didn't exist.Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
Man himself, if he hadn’t the psychological capacity to deny, he couldn’t understand the world, as the entire world is a big denial which continuously denies itself.Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
Never will the God of Man be different from the God of man’s Self. The God of man will be its image.Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
By understanding Evil just as well as Good, the human being will understand itself and with this it will disappear the self alienation of man at an individual level as at the social level.Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
True religion must fight against Evil in man and be aside him, being the only way to avoid existing Evil of the human self in another type of Evil that will be closer to Good or could even surpass it in Goodness. It will consequently determine...Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
Man through his essence is a dual being of Good and Evil that are a part of man’s self that he can never chase away from him, because if he tries to chase away Evil to keep only Good, Man becomes an alien to himself, transforming the Good he leans...Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
There is no Good without Evil as there cannot be Evil without Good. By wanting Good, Man’s Sacred Self looks towards the future, towards Destiny and this is why Man wants Good to be granted to the future, to the yet unknown Destiny that once...Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
This is man’s self and no matter how much man would like to become a perfect being that would belong to Good he will realize that this perfection will always face the need to be referenced precisely to Evil in order to exist.Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
The prophetic statute of the man consists too of the fact that he is a predominantly religious being, but the path he has chosen to define himself as homo religioso is as alien to him as possible.Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
Why are men so secretive, why are they afraid of the truth, sometimes even of themselves? Why don't they want to admit that they would want to love with their entire being because this is everything that remains out of this vanity called Life?Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
All these prove the fact that we cannot accept that everything reduces to the meaning of man, not the fact the signs were always in sight, and they were neither created nor determined, but they would have existed eternally, being that true as to...Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
The end can only start with the beginning in order to end with self alienation, thus becoming once more itself. This is why every man is a perpetual ending.Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
The only true philosophy is the one accepting that Man does neither know the Truth, and implicitly, nor philosophy.Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
Man is created from inferno and paradise, from body and soul, from dust and Divine Light, and any attempt to create a man without body or without of soul, will dehumanize the man. The paradise and infernoQuote by Sorin Cerin about man
There is no greater punishment for the imperfection from man than to be sent to live in the perfection of the paradise. The paradise and infernoQuote by Sorin Cerin about man