Quotes by Gerry Adams
41 quotes by Gerry Adams

Against mighty odds you held the line and faced down a huge military foe, the British Crown Forces and their surrogates in the unionist death squads.
Quote by Gerry Adams about prison, army, force, death, contentment
And more than that, when elements within the British and Irish establishments and rejectionist unionism delayed progress, it was the IRA leadership which authorised a number of significant initiatives to enhance the peace process.
Quote by Gerry Adams about leadership, progress, numbers, peace
At that time, the army leadership said the implementation of this agreement would allow everyone, including the IRA, to take its political objectives forward by peaceful and democratic means.
Quote by Gerry Adams about army, leadership, time

But I also hold the very strong view that republicans need to lead by example.
Quote by Gerry Adams about example, need

For over 30 years, the IRA showed that the British government could not rule Ireland on its own terms.
Quote by Gerry Adams about rules

It will always be a battle a day between those who want maximum change and those who want to maintain the status quo.
Quote by Gerry Adams about change, day

Now is the time for you to step into the Bearna Baoil again; not as volunteers risking life and limb but as activists in a national movement towards independence and unity.
Quote by Gerry Adams about independence, time, life, contentment

Republican patience with how unionism deals with the political institutions, and with key issues like equality and human rights, will be tested because, obviously, there will be a battle a day on these matters. So lets face up to all of this with...
Quote by Gerry Adams about equality, patience, eyes, human imperfections, day, face