He who is shipwrecked the second time cannot lay the blame on Neptune.Proverbs and old sayings English about time
You can't grease a pig so many times that he can't be greased one more time.Proverbs and old sayings English about time
The third time someone tries to put a saddle on you, you should admit you're a horse.Proverbs and old sayings English about time
The person who is tired will find time to sleep. A person with a bad name is already half hanged.Proverbs and old sayings English about time
Smart is the one who goes along with time, stupid is the one who bears his fangs.Proverbs and old sayings Estonian about time
Eat when the meal is ready, speak when the time is ripe.Proverbs and old sayings Ethiopian about time
Eat when the food is ready; speak when the time is right.Proverbs and old sayings Ethiopian about time
You may well have two legs but you still can't climb two trees at the same time.Proverbs and old sayings Ethiopian about time
One should punish a child the first time he comes home with a stolen egg. Otherwise, the day he returns home with a stolen ox, it will be too late.Proverbs and old sayings Ethiopian about time