Proverbs and old sayings about Sense

56 proverbs and old sayings about sense


When the drop (drink) is inside, the sense is outside.

Proverbs and old sayings Irish about sense

Where you won't feast from, you sense it sooner than later.

Proverbs and old sayings West African about sense

There are 40 kinds of lunacy, but only one kind of common sense.

Proverbs and old sayings West African about sense

There are forty kinds of lunacy, but only one kind of common sense.

Proverbs and old sayings West African about sense

There are three friends in this world: courage, sense, and insight.

Proverbs and old sayings West African about sense

Common sense is very uncommon with a lot of people.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about sense

Common sense is genius dressed in its working clothes.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about sense

To laugh at a man with sense is the privilege of fools.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about sense

Habit is the sixth sense that dominates the other five.

Proverbs and old sayings about sense

It makes no sense to try to forge the iron whilst it is still cold.

Proverbs and old sayings about sense

A sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to our steps as we walk the tightrope of life.

Proverbs and old sayings about sense

Evah fool got 'e sense.

Proverbs and old sayings about sense

Common sense ain't common.

Proverbs and old sayings English about sense

Never, Never... allow anyone to persuade you to suspend your common sense.

Proverbs and old sayings English about sense

A shameless person has no sense of shame at all.

Proverbs and old sayings Ethiopian about sense

Age does not give sense it only makes one go slowly.

Proverbs and old sayings Finnish about sense

Age does not give you good sense, it only makes you go slowly.

Proverbs and old sayings Finnish about sense

All heads are not sense-boxes.

Proverbs and old sayings French about sense

The man has neither sense nor reason who leaves a young wife at home.

Proverbs and old sayings French about sense

Common sense hides shame.

Proverbs and old sayings about sense