He that puts on a public gown must put off a private person.
Proverbs and old sayings British about people
When people have but little property, they take good care of it.
Proverbs and old sayings British about people
You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are, and you will not find that person anywhere.
Proverbs and old sayings Buddhist about people
Hell is also made for people.
Proverbs and old sayings Bulgarian about people
A person is known by the company he keeps.
Proverbs and old sayings Bulgarian about people
Only other people's eggs are double-yolked.
Proverbs and old sayings Bulgarian about people
If The Priest is used to get drunk, the people do not sober at all.
Proverbs and old sayings Bulgarian about people
Many people wash their hands to have dinner with the bishop, only a few sit down to his table.
Proverbs and old sayings Bulgarian about people
A Haughty person will not even reach down to take his own nose if it had fallen to the ground.
Proverbs and old sayings Bulgarian about people
Bandage up your finger and take a walk in the village to see how many medical people you will meet.
Proverbs and old sayings Bulgarian about people
A diligent person will soon prosper.
Proverbs and old sayings about people
The blind person never fears ghosts.
Proverbs and old sayings about people
The excessively kind-hearted person becomes a slave.
Proverbs and old sayings about people
Many people count other people's faults and ignore their own.
Proverbs and old sayings about people
The voluntary obedience of people depends on who is commanding them.
Proverbs and old sayings about people
If you like what you are doing, nothing is too far and no job is too hard. The person who makes an error should be taught, and not made fun of. A good character is more valuable than gold.
Proverbs and old sayings about people
Dogs don't love people, they love the place where they are fed.