If you wait be prepared to be stung by the bees.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
You don't punish a fish by throwing it in water.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
You cannot build a house for last year's summer.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
If you man is a wizard, you must become a witch.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
Where you killed from is not where you eat from.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
You cannot hear a baby cry in the mother's womb.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
Do not look where you fall but where you slipped.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
You cannot win a lottery without buying a ticket.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
What you may call small another will call it big.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
If you're caught in a trap then you're the thief.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
If you have ground nuts in your room expect rats.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
If you value piece and freedom you will loose it.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
If you do not have patience you cannot make beer.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
The time to make friends is before you need them.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
Don't let a fool kiss you no let a kiss fool you.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
Sometimes you need to die in order to live again.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
Come and I'll tell you something, tickles the ear.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
If you think education is expensive try ignorance.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
Fire that is surrounded by elders cannot burn you.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment
Work is good, as long as you don't forget to live.Proverbs and old sayings West African about contentment