If women were really good, God would be married.Proverbs and old sayings Georgian about god, good, good luck
When three people say you are drunk, go to sleep.Proverbs and old sayings Georgian about sleep, people
Give a blind man eyes and he will ask for eyebrows.Proverbs and old sayings Georgian about blind, eyes, man
Do not blame the sun for the darkness of the night.Proverbs and old sayings Georgian about sun, night
Men prefer the wife of another but love their own sons more.Proverbs and old sayings Georgian about wife, man, love
Thousands of men were murdered because of their beautiful wives.Proverbs and old sayings Georgian about man
The world can be conquered with words, but not with drawn swords.Proverbs and old sayings Georgian about word, world
If you give a man nuts then give him something to crack them with.Proverbs and old sayings Georgian about man
When you put your nose into the water your cheeks get wet as well.Proverbs and old sayings Georgian about water
One blind man followed the other and they both fell into the ditch.Proverbs and old sayings Georgian about blind, man
The lucky fellow loses his wife, the unlucky fellow loses his horse.Proverbs and old sayings Georgian about wife
A golden plate is worth nothing to me when my blood is spilled on it.Proverbs and old sayings Georgian about blood, nothing
You can conquer the whole world with words, but not with drawn swords.Proverbs and old sayings Georgian about word, world