Bear patiently that which you suffer by your own fault.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
Tell no one what you would have known only to yourself.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
That beer's of your own brewing, and you must drink it.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
Do you speak English? (Meaning, Have you got any money? )Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
If you hear a lot of things, you will hear a lot of lies.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
If you eat someone's cake, you must also eat his lentils.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
If one, two and three say you are an ass, put on the ears.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
Don't throw away your own shoes till you have got new ones.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
Don't throw away your old shoes until you have got new ones.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
With your hat in your hand you can travel the entire country.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
Tell me the company you keep, and I will tell you who you are.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
Sweep before your own door before you look after your neighbour's.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
Good day to you all! said the fox, when he got into the goose-pen.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
Sweep in front of your own door before you look after your neighbor's.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
When every one sees that you are a pig, why don't you go into the sty?Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
Give at first asking what you safely can; 'tis certain gain to help an honest man.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
Precaution said, Good friend, this counsel keep: strip not yourself until you're laid to sleep.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment
Beware of an oak, it draws the stroke; avoid an ash, it counts the flash; creep under the thorn, it can save you from harm.Proverbs and old sayings Dutch about contentment