Ibn al-Rumi (Ibn al-Rūmī)
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Biography Ibn al-Rumi (836 - 896)
Popular poet arab din Bagdad
Also known as: Ibn al-Rūmī.
Also called: Abū al-Ḥasan Alī ibn al-Abbās ibn Jūrayj.
Was born on 21 jun 0836.
Died on 13 jun 0896, at 59 years old.
Died on 13 jun 0896, at 59 years old.
Origin country Iraq
Abū al-Ḥasan Alī ibn al-Abbās ibn Jūrayj, also known as Ibn al-Rūm (born Baghdad in 836; died 896), was the grandson of George the Greek (Jūraij or Jūrjis i.e. Georgius) and a popular Arab poet of Baghdād in the Abbāsid-era.
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