Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson

Biography Emily Dickinson (1830 - 1886)

American writer

Was born on 10 dec 1830.
Died on 05 may 1886, at 55 years old.
Origin country United States
Quotes by Emily Dickinson
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Quotes Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson

Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.

Quote by Emily Dickinson about love, immortality, death
Emily Dickinson

I imagine, therefore I belong and am free.

Quote by Emily Dickinson about liberty
Emily Dickinson

Find ecstasy in life the mere sense of living is joy enough.

Quote by Emily Dickinson about life, joy, common sense, sense
Emily Dickinson

Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door.

Quote by Emily Dickinson about hope