Michael I, King of the Romanians, Prince of Hohenzollern (born October 25, 1921)

Michael I, King of the Romanians, Prince of Hohenzollern (born October 25, 1921)
Michael I, King of the Romanians, Prince of Hohenzollern, reigned as King of the Romanians (Romanian: Maiestatea Sa Mihai I Regele Românilor, literally "His Majesty Michael I King of the Romanians") from July 20, 1927 to June 8, 1930, and again from September 6, 1940 until forced to abdicate by the Communists on December 30, 1947. A great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria and a third cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, he is one of the last surviving heads of state from World War II, the other being Simeon II of Bulgaria.

Tuesday, 25 October 1921
Source: yc

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