Machiavelli's teaching would hardly have stood the test of Parliamentary government, for public discussion demands at least the profession of good faith.Quote by Lord Acton about elections
The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the party that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections.Quote by Lord Acton about elections
Dullness in matters of government is a good sign, and not a bad one - in particular, dullness in parliamentary government is a test of its excellence, an indication of its success.Quote by Walter Bagehot about elections
Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody.Quote by Franklin P. Adams about elections
At some point they figured out that you can win elections with a pro-European policy because the voters hope this will improve their lives.Quote by Orhan Pamuk about elections
Requiring valid, photographic identification is a common sense step to ensure voter integrity and sound elections.Quote by Sonny Perdue about elections