“You may be 38 years old, as I happen to be. And one day, some great opportunity stands before you and calls you to stand up for some great principle, some great issue, some great cause. And you refuse to do it because you are afraid…. You refuse...Quote by Martin Luther King Jr. about contentment
There is no such thing as absolute value in this world. You can only estimate what a thing is worth to you.Quote by Charles Dudley Warner about contentment
We owe to be all you can be, for us, for our children and for those who will follow. Only in this way can we say that we have done our duty, first of all, as people.Quote by Marius Torok about contentment
I love you, dear poem, and I will show you to the world. You have traveled across the seas to reach me…Quote by Eleanor R. Hampton about contentment
Have you heard that RightWords is superb? I encourage people to read every quote, Famous quotes and more quotes. Print them, share them. Carry them in a tote bag. We are all in one accordwhen we say RightWordsis the best and deserves many awards!Quote by Eleanor R. Hampton about contentment
I could be, almost without effort, litte boy, woman or beetle. And it is much more comforting to be something very specific. Firefighter, for example. You know exactly what to do.Quote by Sorin Vidan about contentment
Suddenly you seemed to understand everything, absolutely everything, and in the same time you do not understand anything, you lose everything, a truth in whose power you believed in it is slipping away through your fingers. RighWords TranslationQuote by Sorin Vidan about contentment
I have touched her lips as only in the strongest and absurd love you can touch. Our bodies were vibrating. Although it took only a moment, for me at least, things had a tragic resonance: I had felt the love, in its purest form, transhuman, its...Quote by Sorin Vidan about contentment
I see youI see you, even if I close my eyes, Among speechless mists, I just keep you with my fluid mind, I cast you away and I tell you: stay longer! When you found me, you were too far away, When I felt I was still alive, When you came, I have...Quote by Andrei Alexandru Păunescu about contentment
In life, we assume so much, some of it might be true. One thing for certain, a good quote followedcan make one's day more cheerful. As the Sun shines, bright in my window, I wish the world could peep in, instead I will write my quotes for them....Quote by Eleanor R. Hampton about contentment
It is hard to understand the life of the poor when you yourself never experienced the poverty that you have to share with your children, their eyes, the sickness, dreams.Quote by Mariana Fulger about contentment
A lot of wisdom should go into choosing who to love you, and more to choose who to rule you...Quote by Mariana Fulger about contentment
What is the translation for “I love you because you are” in the Cars language? In the War language for snowdrops?Quote by Mariana Fulger about contentment
In life is good to be mean if you are stupid, to cover it up!Quote by Catalin Stefan Ion about contentment
Accomplished are your means of beauty, Nature. Forever thirsty of you is my soul.Quote by Mariana Fulger about contentment
It's easy to ruin a city. To rebuild it, you first have to cast away all the thieves.Quote by Mariana Fulger about contentment
It matters not what color you have, but how much soul, how much humanity it fits.Quote by Mariana Fulger about contentment
Be thankful for all that you have... the good and the bad. For its those constant ups and downs in life that puts a certain amount of spring in our steps.Quote by Robert M. Hensel about contentment