Take a good hard look in the mirror and remember yourself as you are today, cause as time changes, so does the scenery.Quote by Robert M. Hensel about contentment
Have courage enough to accept what you can not change, but yet courageous enough to stand up and fight for what you can.Quote by Robert M. Hensel about contentment
Life isn't all about what you don't have, but yet, what you do with what you have been given.Quote by Robert M. Hensel about contentment
I have a Disability yes thats true, but all that really means is I may have to take a slightly different path than you.Quote by Robert M. Hensel about contentment
If you've ever been lucky enough to find true love, embrace it. For a love of this magnitude may only pass by your window but once in a lifetime.Quote by Robert M. Hensel about contentment
Be thankful for all that you have... the good and the bad. For its those constant ups and downs in life that puts a certain amount of spring in our steps.Quote by Robert M. Hensel about contentment
Let your courage and determination be the vehicle that drives you, and takes you anywhere in this life you wanna go.Quote by Robert M. Hensel about contentment
Never take more out of life, than you intend to give back.Quote by Robert M. Hensel about contentment
Feel like life has somehow short changed you? Recount your blessings one by one.Quote by Robert M. Hensel about contentment
You can label the disabled, but you can't put a price on one's abilities.Quote by Robert M. Hensel about contentment
Before you decide to judge someone in a wheelchair....TAKE A SEAT!Quote by Robert M. Hensel about contentment
When you change your mindset, the whole world changes too.Quote by Robert M. Hensel about contentment