Although the man was made master over all, most of the time, he is behaving like a servant.Quote by Marius Torok about time
In the history of Earth man has not browsed a day until the sun faded.Quote by Marius Torok about time
The young I was before doesn't exist anymore and the old person I will be hurries towards me.Quote by Marius Torok about time
Before being old I want to be young, for preventing the arrival of the old man.Quote by Marius Torok about time
In an ideal world we could correct the space and time after the beats of the heart, but in our world we can only listen in silence as they beat without us.Quote by Marius Torok about time
If yesterday we were dividing the time into days and years, today, we divide it into minutes and hours, in order to leave for tomorrow only the seconds.Quote by Marius Torok about time
Not force of muscle, but force of mind is what is changing the world every time.Quote by Marius Torok about time
Never ask people what you can or can't do. For they will answer each time what they can or can't do.Quote by Marius Torok about time
You can always rely on human stupidity, will never disappoint you, regardless of time and place, it remains eternal and infinite.Quote by Marius Torok about time
Time is too precious to be wasted on those who don't know what to do with their own time.Quote by Marius Torok about time