The real peril of war lies not in military defeat. It lies in war itself, whether we win or lose.Quote by John Thomas Flynn about war, defeat, army, real estate
These code authorities could regulate production, quantities, qualities, prices, distribution methods, etc. , under the supervision of the NRA. This was fascism.
They think that to be a Fascist you must have some sort of shirt uniform, must drill and goose-step, must have a demonstrative salute, must hate the Jews, and believe in dictatorship.Quote by John Thomas Flynn about dictatorship, hate, faith
This most dangerous enemy is the American counterpart of the British Fabian Socialist, who denies that he is a Socialist and operates behind a mask which he calls National Planning.Quote by John Thomas Flynn about enemies, americans
This thing called revolutionary propaganda and activity is something of an art in itself. It has been developed to a high degree in Europe where revolutionary groups have been active for half a century and where Communist revolutionary groups have...Quote by John Thomas Flynn about activity, past, art, magic, things
Thus, though Hitler will never come here to impose his Fascist abomination upon us, we may go to him to impose it upon ourselves.
To say that we were not at war with Germany... is to close our eyes to the truth.Quote by John Thomas Flynn about eyes, war, truth
We must rid this nation of the United Nations, which provides the communist conspiracy with a headquarters here on our own shores, and which actually makes it impossible for the United States to form its own decisions about its conduct and...Quote by John Thomas Flynn about conspiracy, nation, conduct, impossible
We seem to be a long way off from the kind of Fascism which we behold in Italy today, but we are not so far from the kind of Fascism which Mussolini preached in Italy before he assumed power, and we are slowly approaching the conditions which made...Quote by John Thomas Flynn about power