It's a taboo subject that is protected by legal and criminal law, and the only opinion one can express about it is that allowed by law.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about law, criminals, opinion
It's true that here and there you can find some dregs of anti-Semitism, but the situation is the same in every country.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about truth, country
Millions also perished in the Chinese camps, and there have been terrible genocides in Cambodia and Vietnam.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about opinion
My father was killed by a German mine, while I lost other relatives in Allied bombing attacks.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about parents
Political rivals attacked me. I was savagely beaten. I was kicked in the face and I lost my eye as a result.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about politics, face
Similarly, if we want to create a European Union, we should invite European countries and not Asiatic ones like Turkey.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about union, country
The French government is simply fleeing from responsibility. It is declining to grapple with the violent activity.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about activity
The government would have preferred not to take a stand, but the constant presence of the Israeli-Arab conflict on our television screens made it an issue that could no longer be avoided.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about guvernement, television, conflict
The much greater crimes of the Soviet Gulags occurred over decades and cost millions of lives.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about criminals
The result is that you are now experiencing what we experienced in the war in Algeria: The Israeli government says that it is a victim of terrorist activity, but this activity is less visible than the military strikes.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about activity, victims, army, war
The Second World War claimed tens of millions of victims.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about war, victims, world
The suffering caused by the terrorists is the real torture.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about politics, suffering, real estate
The Vichy government was under occupation and carried out the orders of the German occupier.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about guvernement
There is an Islamic population in France, most of which comes from the North African countries.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about nation, country
There just are people, organizations, that need an adversary and they want the public to believe that this adversary is dangerous.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about man, public, need, people
Turkey should not be allowed to enter the E.U. because it is not a European country.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about country
What's surprising is that the people who fought against torture here are the communists.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about communism, people
When Joan D' Arc was asked by her judges why as a Christian she did not love the British, she answered that she did love them, but she loved British in their country. In the same way, we do not hate the Turks, we love them, but in their country.Quote by Jean-Marie Le Pen about country, judges, love, hate