At the moment, my mother is the only one left in Glasgow, although it's certainly my home.Quote by Bill Forsyth about home, mother, moment
I made That Sinking Feeling more for them than for anyone else, so I knew there was no need to put a message into it.Quote by Bill Forsyth about need
I think, unconsciously, I was addressing myself more with Comfort and Joy than with my other films to Scottish people.Quote by Bill Forsyth about joy, people
I was quite surprised how easily people wanted to pigeonhole things I've done.Quote by Bill Forsyth about things, people
I went to the Glasgow Youth Theatre and they just let me in. But I was so shy that I was there for about six weeks without actually introducing myself.Quote by Bill Forsyth about theatre, youth
I'd made these experimental films but I thought the major chore of a filmmaker was to relate to actors.Quote by Bill Forsyth about actors, thinking
I'm not fond of any of my films in an intimate way, but Gregory's Girl would be number 4 on my list.Quote by Bill Forsyth about numbers
I've spent most of my life in Scotland, and I haven't moved around a great deal.Quote by Bill Forsyth about haven, life
If you ask for relatively little money, they worry that you are going to get involved in something that is unwatchable or, worse, unmarketable.Quote by Bill Forsyth about worry, money, contentment
It means that if they misunderstood Comfort and Joy, they misunderstood my other films.Quote by Bill Forsyth about joy
It was only about ten years ago that we had the first local radio show in Galsgow, and that was so unusual it took my fancy.
It was three years after I'd finished the script for Gregory's Girl that I got to make it, but I prefer That Sinking Feeling as a film.Quote by Bill Forsyth about film
It's easier for me to get three times the amount of money I really want.Quote by Bill Forsyth about money
It's easy for me to be a Scotsman because of the overwhelming feeling of most people in Scotland of being subservient to England and therefore having a chip on our shoulder.Quote by Bill Forsyth about being, people
People think the stock market is a place of levelheadedness but it actually works in a totally emotional way: the President gets a pimple on his nose, and the thing plummets.Quote by Bill Forsyth about stores, things, people
Perhaps naively I thought people understand what humor was, that it was invented by the human race to cope with the dark areas of life, problems and terrors.Quote by Bill Forsyth about humor, dark, problems, thinking, human imperfections, life, people
So those who misunderstood Comfort and Joy the most were those who thought I was just trying to make a jolly farce.Quote by Bill Forsyth about joy, thinking