All I can do is leave it in God's hands and hope that my fans feel where I'm coming from.Quote by Aaliyah about art, hope, god
At first, I was a little nervous with snakes, but once I started to handle them, I totally fell in love and felt an affinity toward them. They're very mysterious creatures. They live in solitude.Quote by Aaliyah about animals, solitude, love
Because I came out as a singer, I took the time to get an acting coach.Quote by Aaliyah about opinion, time
Being around cameras on the set and getting comfortable with that environment can prepare you for something like a film.Quote by Aaliyah about opinion, film, being, contentment
Being in Australia, filming Queen of the Damned, was really cool, because I really got to take a break from the industry and be totally creative.Quote by Aaliyah about attitude, being
I began to work the stage and get the audience into it. I also learned how to have fun out there. It is something I will never forget.Quote by Aaliyah about truth, work
I don't feel I made any sacrifices at all. I'm doing my best to juggle.Quote by Aaliyah about opinion
I don't think about my previous success. I'm happy that the work I've done has been very successful.Quote by Aaliyah about opinion, happiness, work
I don't want to abandon one work for the other, and I don't think I need to sacrifice anything to put my all into either one of them.Quote by Aaliyah about truth, sacrifice, need, work
I feel snakes are very complex creatures, but at the same time, they're sexy, too. They're dangerous, but quite beautiful.Quote by Aaliyah about animals, sex, time
I first dealt with snakes when I was in Australia and I did the photo shoot for the album. We used five pythons.Quote by Aaliyah about animals
I know that people think I'm sexy and I am looked at as that. It is cool with me. It's wonderful to have sexy appeal. If you embrace it, it can be a very beautiful thing.Quote by Aaliyah about attitude, sex, things, people, contentment
I play a fantastical creature in Queen of the Damned. I play a vampire, and not just any vampire. I'm playing the queen of all vampires!Quote by Aaliyah about attitude
I see myself as sexy. If you are comfortable with it, it can be very classy and appealing.Quote by Aaliyah about opinion, sex, contentment
I stay true to myself and my style, and I am always pushing myself to be aware of that and be original.Quote by Aaliyah about truth, style
I think it's important to take a break, you know, from the public eye for a while, and give people a chance to miss you. I want longevity. I don't want to get out there and run myself ragged and spread myself thin.Quote by Aaliyah about opinion, longevity, chance, public, contentment, people
I took acting when I was young. I did a lot of plays. I sang. I had dance classes. I was trained in each thing.Quote by Aaliyah about art, dance, things
I want people to remember me as a full on entertainer and a good person.Quote by Aaliyah about opinion, people, good, good luck