Falsehood is a nettle that stings those who meddle with it.Proverbs and old sayings South American about lie
Candour will lose you some friends, but not as many as deceit.Proverbs and old sayings South American about lie
If three people tell you that you are drunk, you better lie down.Proverbs and old sayings South American about lie
There is no lie spun so fine, through which the truth won't shine.Proverbs and old sayings South American about lie
The man who claims to be the boss in his own home will lie about other things as well.Proverbs and old sayings Amish about lie
The person who predicts the future is lying, even when he is right.Proverbs and old sayings about lie
There are four things Allah cannot do: lie, deny himself, die or look favorably on sin.Proverbs and old sayings about lie
One is better off seated than standing. lying than seated, asleep than awake, and dead than alive.Proverbs and old sayings about lie