Invite your son-in-law to a fowl, and he will take away the lemon.Proverbs and old sayings Spanish about law
The mother-in-law must be entreated, and the pot must be let stand.Proverbs and old sayings Spanish about law
Well-married is when you have no mother-in-law and no sister-in-law.Proverbs and old sayings Spanish about law
Though my father-in-law is a good man, I do not like a dog with a bell.Proverbs and old sayings Spanish about law
My daughter-in-law tucked up her sleeves, and upset the kettle into the fire.Proverbs and old sayings Spanish about law
Whether it be so or not, husband, put on your hood. (He had told her there was a new law that every man with horns should wear a hood. )Proverbs and old sayings Spanish about law
As long as I was a daughter-in-law I never had a good mother-in-law, and as long as I was a mother-in-law I never had a good daughter-in-law.Proverbs and old sayings Spanish about law
When violence comes into the house, law and justice leave through the chimney.Proverbs and old sayings Turkish about law
The innkeeper loves the drunkard, but not for a son-in-law.Proverbs and old sayings Yiddish about law
Mothers-in-law are fine so long as they are deaf and blind.Proverbs and old sayings Yiddish about law
You reproach your daughter, but you mean your daughter-in-law.Proverbs and old sayings Yiddish about law