Proverbs and old sayings about Good luck, page 3

2065 proverbs and old sayings about good luck

Diligence is the mother of good luck.

Proverbs and old sayings about good luck

Do good to people and you'll enslave their hearts.

Proverbs and old sayings about good luck

Good start is half of the work.

Proverbs and old sayings Albanian about good luck

All good come from above.

Proverbs and old sayings German about good luck

A good name is better than riches.

Proverbs and old sayings French about good luck

Everything new tastes good.

Proverbs and old sayings about good luck

Write the bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble.

Proverbs and old sayings Arab about good luck

Do good because of tomorrow.

Proverbs and old sayings about good luck

When you are asleep, your luck works out for you.

Proverbs and old sayings Armenian about good luck

A miss is as good as a mile

Proverbs and old sayings about good luck

All good things come to he who waits

Proverbs and old sayings British about good luck

Any publicity is good publicity

Proverbs and old sayings Italian about good luck

Cheese, wine, and friends must be old to be good.

Proverbs and old sayings British about good luck

Enough is as good as a feast

Proverbs and old sayings British about good luck

Good fences make good neighbours

Proverbs and old sayings about good luck

Good talk saves the food

Proverbs and old sayings Portuguese about good luck

Good things come to those who wait

Proverbs and old sayings British about good luck

If you cannot be good, be careful

Proverbs and old sayings British about good luck

It is an ill wind (that blows no one any good)

Proverbs and old sayings British about good luck