If you would make an enemy, lend a man money, and ask for it back again.Proverbs and old sayings Portuguese about enemies
If you have a friend who is a physician, send him to your enemy's house.Proverbs and old sayings Portuguese about enemies
If you have a friend who is a doctor, then send him to your enemy's house.Proverbs and old sayings Portuguese about enemies
You have lent and not recovered; and if recovered, not so much; and if so much, not such; and if such, a mortal enemy.Proverbs and old sayings Portuguese about enemies
One enemy is too many; and a hundred friends too few.Proverbs and old sayings Aromanian about enemies
One enemy can do more hurt than ten friends can do good.Proverbs and old sayings Aromanian about enemies
Take heed of reconciled enemies and of meat twice boiled.Proverbs and old sayings Aromanian about enemies
If you have no enemies it's a sign fortune has forgot you.Proverbs and old sayings Aromanian about enemies