If the prayers of dogs were answered, bones would rain from the sky.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about rain, sky
Love truth even if it harms you, and hate lies even if they serve you.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about hate, truth, love, contentment
That which you put into your soup kettle, comes latter onto your spoon.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about contentment
By all means make friends with the dog, but do not lay aside the stick.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan
If a man leaves little children behind him, it is as if he did not die.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about children, death, man
A crucible for silver and a furnace for gold, but Allah tests the heart.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about tests, heart
In his heart a man may plan his course but God determines his every step.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about heart, god, man
Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bone.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about soul, word
If a man puts a cord around his neck, God will provide someone to pull it.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about god, man
If you're going to tell the truth, you better have one foot in the stirrup.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about truth, contentment
Three things cause sorrow to flee; water, green trees, and a beautiful face.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about sadness, things, water, face
Do not judge a man by the whiteness of his turbin, soap is bought on credit.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about judges, man
The heart of a fool is in his mouth, the mouth of a wise man is in his heart.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about heart, man
Manage with bread and salted butter until God brings something to eat with it.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about god
If you see a man riding a wooden stick, say to him Good health to your horse.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about good, good luck, man, contentment
The camel never sees his own hump, but that of his brother is always in his eyes.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about eyes
For the sake of a single rose, the gardener becomes servant to a thousand thorns.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan
If you see him riding on a bamboo-cane, say to him, Good health to your horse!Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about good, good luck, contentment
If a rich man steals it is a mistake; if a poor man makes a mistake he has stolen.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about mistake, wealth, man
The dreaming man makes excuses for his inaction and places a fools cap on his head.Proverbs and old sayings Moroccan about heads, man