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Proverbs and old sayings British about Good luck
Page 2
Proverbs and old sayings British about Good luck, page 2
61 proverbs and old sayings british about good luck
You can have too much of a good thing
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
Good men suffer much.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
Good words cost nought.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
Good wine needs no bush.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
Never refuse a good offer.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
Many a good cow has an evil calf.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
Everything is good in its season.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
Ell and tell is good merchandise.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
A good lawyer, an evil neighbour.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
No man can make his own good luck.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
It is good to marry late or never.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
Nurture and good manners makes man.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
Poverty is an enemy to good manners.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
A ragged colt may make a good horse.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
It is good grafting on a good stock.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
A good paymaster never wants workmen.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
Good fame is better than a good face.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
Too much of ought is good for nought.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
He that brings good news, knocks hard.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
A bad shearer never had a good sickle.
Proverbs and old sayings
British about
good luck
Christmas carols
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Happiness is to hold flowers in both hands.
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There are 3 simple rules in life: - don't promise when...
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Man's law changes with his understanding of man. Only the...
Proverbs and old sayings
Who came back from the grave and told the story?
Proverbs and old sayings
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O little town of bethlehem: O little town of Bethlehem,...
Traditional Irish Curse
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Traditional Wexford Curse
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What grows when it eats, but dies when it drinks? Fire.
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He who plants thorns must never expect to gather roses.
Proverbs and old sayings
He flies into the flame, the summer insect.
Proverbs and old sayings
When the Angels arrive, the devils leave.
Proverbs and old sayings
He who never knows where is coming from will never know...
Proverbs and old sayings