

Biography Molière (1622 - 1673)

French playwright

Also called: Jean-Baptiste Poquelin.
Was born on 15 jan 1622.
Died on 17 feb 1673, at 51 years old.
Origin country France
Quotes by Molière

Was a French playwright and actor who is considered one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature.Among Molière's best-known dramas are The Misanthrope,The School for Wives, Tartuffe or the Hypocrite, The Miser,The Imaginary Invalid and The Bourgeois Gentleman.
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Quotes Molière


Perfect reason flees all extremity, and leads one to be...

Quote by Molière about temperance, reason, perfection

Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love,...

Quote by Molière about literature, writing, money, love, contentment

Books and marriage go ill together.

Quote by Molière about books, marriage

As the purpose of comedy is to correct the vices of men,...

Quote by Molière about literature, comedy, purpose, reason, man