Ion Luca Caragiale

Ion Luca Caragiale

Biography Ion Luca Caragiale (1852 - 1912)

Romanian playwright and short story writer

Was born on 01 feb 1852.
Died on 09 jun 1912, at 60 years old.
Origin country România
Quotes by Ion Luca Caragiale
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Quotes Ion Luca Caragiale

Ion Luca Caragiale

The stupid men die but the stupidity remains.

Quote by Ion Luca Caragiale about stupidity, death, man
Ion Luca Caragiale

Love doesn't need a meaning.

Quote by Ion Luca Caragiale about need, love
Ion Luca Caragiale

This is the condition of being: life, not the span of life.

Quote by Ion Luca Caragiale about life, being
Ion Luca Caragiale

History should be, for us, an endless spring of healthy...

Quote by Ion Luca Caragiale about history, teaching, spring, virtue, infinite, thinking, poetry, truth