Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) (Aurelius Augustinus)

Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo)

Biography Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) (354 - 430)


Also known as: Aurelius Augustinus.
Also called: Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo).
Was born on 13 nov 0345.
Died on 28 aug 0430, at 84 years old.
Origin country Algeria
Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo)

One of the most important figures in the development of Western Christianity.

Saint Augustine of Hippo was a Roman African, early Christian theologian and philosopher from Numidia whose writings influenced the development of the Western Church and Western philosophy, and indirectly all of Western Christianity. He was the bishop of Hippo Regius in North Africa and is viewed as one of the most important Church Fathers of the Latin Church for his writings in the Patristic Period. Among his most important works are The City of God, De doctrina Christiana, and Confessions.
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Quotes Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo)

Augustin de Hipona

Forgiveness is the remission of sins. For it is by this...

Quote by Augustin de Hipona about sin, absolution, being
Augustin de Hipona

If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject...

Quote by Augustin de Hipona
Augustin de Hipona

Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is...

Quote by Augustin de Hipona about beauty, love, soul
Augustin de Hipona

Who can map out the various forces at play in one soul?...

Quote by Augustin de Hipona about force, heads, soul, heart, man

Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo), themes

Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Absolution Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Abstinence Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Action Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Art Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Beauty Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Beginning Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Being Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Celebrity Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Chance Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Charity Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Children Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Common sense Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Confession Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Creation Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Dark Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Dispute Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Doubt Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Duty Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Earth Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Experience Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Eyes Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Force Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Friendship Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Gifts Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about God Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Good Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Good luck Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Grace Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Happiness Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Heads Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Heart Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Help Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Human imperfections Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Humility Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Impossible Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Intelligence Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Judges Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Justice Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Life Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Light Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Longing Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Love Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Magic Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Man Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Mind Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Miracle Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Moral Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Nation Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Nature Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Need Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Nothing Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Pain Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Patience Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Peace Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about People Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Perfection Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Philosophy Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Pleasure Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Pray Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Proudness Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Punishment Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Purpose Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Quiet Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Reason Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Rightness Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Sin Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Soul Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Spirit Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Stars Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Suffering Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Things Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Time Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Virtue Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Vision Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about War Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Wife Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Wisdom Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Wish Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about Work Quotes by Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) about World