Antonio Porchia

Antonio Porchia

Biography Antonio Porchia (1885 - 1968)

Italian poet

Was born on 13 nov 1885.
Died on 09 nov 1968, at 82 years old.
Origin country Italy
Quotes by Antonio Porchia

He has been a cult author for a number of figures of contemporary literature like André Breton, Jorge Luis Borges, Roberto Juarroz and Henry Miller.
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Quotes Antonio Porchia

Antonio Porchia

Truth has very few friends and those few are suicides.

Quote by Antonio Porchia about truth
Antonio Porchia

One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.

Quote by Antonio Porchia about recollection, memory, hope
Antonio Porchia

What we pay for with our lives never costs too much.

Quote by Antonio Porchia about life
Antonio Porchia

The chains that bind us the most closely are the ones we...

Quote by Antonio Porchia about opinion