Starting with 1966, when he publishes his first cartoon in "Amfiteatru" magazine, he collaborates with cartoons, original articles and translations for different newspapers and magazines, as: Amfiteatru, Urzica, Adevarul, Romania Literara, Flacara, Contemporanul, Expres Magazin, Luceafarul, Roman in Lume (in Spain) etc.
As a writer, he publishes five volumes: CONDAMNAT LA VIATA (Damn to Life) - novel, Pegasus Press Publishing House, 2010; EPOCA MARLANILOR (The Boors’ Epoch) - satirical articles, Pegasus Press Publishing House, 2008; INOROGUL DE JAD (The Jade Unicorn) - novel, Paco Publishing House, 2007; DINCOLO DE ORIZONT (Beyond Skyline) - poetry, Arvin Press Publishing House, 2003; TAINA BURLACILOR (The Bachelors’ Secrecy) - stories and humorous sketches, Atlantis Publishing House, 2000.
Translates and publishes five novels from Spanish and Portuguese: Bernardo Guimaraes: Sclava Isaura (Isaura Slave), Cautatorul de diamante (The Diamonds’ Seeker), Univers Publishing House, 1989 (with other five editions at different publishing houses), Benito Pérez Galdós: Dezmostenita (The Disinherited), Dacia Publishing House, 1990 (in collaboration with Doina Lincu), Lima Baretto: Tristul sfarsit al lui Policarpo Quaresma (The Sad Ending of Policarpo Quaresma), Sturion Publishing House, 1991, Crucea albastra (The Blue Cross), crime novels anthology, Sturion Publishing House, 1991 (in collaboration with Doina Lincu), Benito Pérez Galdós: Dragoste pierduta (Tristana) (Lost Love - Tristana), Minerva Publishing House, 1996.
He wins different prizes for cartoons and humoristic stories. He participates at exhibitions and national and International cartoons contests (in Belgium, Brasilia, Bulgaria, Republic of Czech, Croatia, China, Iran, Israel, Italia, Korea, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Turkey etc). In 2008 opens a personal cartoons exhibition (D’ale romanilor... - Of the Romanians…) in the Romanian Cultural Institute from Madrid.
He creates the covers of many novels published in Romania.
On the 11th of August 2010 dies because of a very aggressive stomach cancer that killed him in less than one year and a half.