Brad Paisley

Brad Paisley

Biography Brad Paisley (1972)

American musician

Was born on 28 oct 1972.
Origin country United States
Quotes by Brad Paisley

Is a Grammy Award-winning American country music singer-songwriter and guitarist.
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Quotes Brad Paisley

Brad Paisley

Alison Krauss is definitely my favorite singer that's...

Quote by Brad Paisley about music
Brad Paisley

If I get an idea for a song, I have a melody for it. I'm...

Quote by Brad Paisley about music, idea
Brad Paisley

Even in your darkest moments, you'll think of something...

Quote by Brad Paisley
Brad Paisley

My wife works for Jim Belushi. I've got to know him real...

Quote by Brad Paisley about wife, real estate, good, good luck

Quotes by Brad Paisley, themes